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Scholarly Communications Services at the G.R. Little Library

A guide on scholarly communication services and topics including copyright, open access, author rights, digital archiving and more.

Open Access Scholarly Publishing Benefits

The library's open access repository offers several benefits for scholars:

  1. Increased Visibility and Discoverability: Open access repositories make scholarly works freely available to anyone with internet access, amplifying their reach. This can lead to higher citation rates as the work becomes more discoverable to researchers globally.

  2. Permanent Archiving: Repositories often ensure long-term preservation of scholarly works. This permanence means that even years after publication, the work remains accessible, ensuring its continuous contribution to the academic community.

  3. Author Rights Retention: Many open access repositories allow authors to retain significant rights over their works, enabling them to republish, share, or adapt their content without much constraint.

  4. Interdisciplinary Exposure: The open nature of these repositories allows scholars from varied disciplines to access works outside of their immediate field, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and broadening perspectives.

  5. Immediate Publication: Unlike traditional publishing which might involve lengthy processes, uploading works to open access repositories can be relatively quick, allowing timely dissemination of research findings.

  6. Cost-Efficient: Open access repositories often provide a platform for scholars to publish their works for free or at a much lower cost than traditional publishing avenues, making scholarly communication more affordable.

  7. Feedback and Collaboration: By making their works accessible to a wider audience, scholars can receive feedback, engage with their readers, and potentially find collaborators for future projects.

  8. Compliance with Funding Mandates: Many research funders now mandate that outputs from the research they fund are made open access. Depositing in a library's open access repository ensures compliance with such mandates.

  9. Enhanced Data Sharing: Beyond articles, many repositories also allow scholars to share research data, further promoting transparency and reproducibility in research.

  10. Ethical Publishing: Open access repositories align with the ethos of making knowledge freely available, ensuring that research is accessible to those who might not have the resources for expensive journal subscriptions.

In essence, library open access repositories provide scholars with a platform that enhances the reach, impact, and accessibility of their research, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative academic community.


G.R. Little Library

Elizabeth City State University