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Scholarly Communications Services at the G.R. Little Library

A guide on scholarly communication services and topics including copyright, open access, author rights, digital archiving and more.

Open Educational Resources (OERs)

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning, and research materials that are in the public domain or released with an open license, allowing free access, use, adaptation, and redistribution by others. They can include textbooks, lecture notes, assignments, tests, projects, audio, video, and any other materials used to support learning.

Here's how OER and textbook affordability connect, and what they mean for a library's open access repository:

  1. Textbook Affordability: One of the main motivations behind OER is the rising cost of textbooks. Many students struggle with the expense of purchasing required texts for their courses. OER provides high-quality alternatives at little to no cost, making education more affordable and accessible.

  2. Customization: Traditional textbooks offer a one-size-fits-all approach, but educators using OER can tailor materials to better fit their instructional needs. This flexibility enhances the learning experience and ensures content relevancy.

  3. Collaboration and Innovation: OER allows for collaborative efforts in content creation, where educators from around the world can contribute, refine, and update materials. This collective approach ensures that resources are continuously improved and stay current.

  4. Library's Open Access Repository Role:

    • Central Hub: Libraries can serve as central hubs for storing, cataloging, and distributing OER. Their established infrastructures for managing and disseminating information make them a natural fit for this role.
    • Quality Control: Libraries can help ensure the quality of OER by facilitating peer reviews, curating collections, and providing guidance on effective resource utilization.
    • Promotion: Libraries play a crucial role in promoting the adoption of OER among educators, offering workshops, training sessions, and informational resources.
    • Archiving and Preservation: Libraries ensure the long-term availability of OER, safeguarding against content loss and ensuring resources remain accessible for future generations.
    • Copyright Guidance: Libraries often assist educators in understanding open licenses, ensuring they can legally use, modify, and share OER.
  5. Supporting Academic Freedom: OER allows educators to choose resources they deem best for their students rather than being constrained by traditional textbook choices, which might be driven by budgetary concerns rather than educational value.

  6. Promotion of Lifelong Learning: With OER freely available, learning is not confined to traditional educational settings. Anyone, anywhere, can access and benefit from these resources, supporting a global culture of lifelong learning.

In essence, OER and textbook affordability initiatives aim to democratize access to knowledge, reduce educational costs, and promote innovative teaching practices. Libraries, with their open access repositories, play a pivotal role in achieving these goals by providing the infrastructure, expertise, and advocacy needed to support the OER movement.

Selected Providers


G.R. Little Library

Elizabeth City State University