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Business Administration: Predatory Journal Information

What is a predatory journal?

Definition of Predatory Journals:

Predatory journals are “pay-to-publish” journals. They exist mainly to make money for their editor owners. In the field of open-access journals, journal quality and publishing hoaxes jeopardize academic integrity and show little concern for ethics. Thus, contributors to predatory journals can usually count on (1) remarkably short review periods, (2) automatic acceptance for publication, and (3) large publication and other fees.

Signs a journal or publisher might be predatory

From Tufts University:

Identification of Predatory Journals

  1. Beall’s list shows a full list of potential predatory scholarly open-access publishers:
  2. DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals:

Result of Publishing in a Predatory Journal

  1. The paper is unlikely to be cited and it negatively affects the impact of the research.
  2. No recognition or credit for the work.

Protection from Predatory Publishing

  1. Check Beall’s list first and do not publish in it.
  2. Check quality journals (e.g., ABDC list) with known and highly ranked publication.
  3. Check DOAJ directory for open access journals.
  4. Check Academic database, such as ABI Inform for peer-reviewed full-text articles.
  5. Be sensitive to any online journal that charges large submission fees to publish.
  6. Detailed comments of paper’s peer review provide the evidence of a quality journal when a journal’ reputation is unknown.
  7. Ask for advice from senior professors/chair/dean.

G.R. Little Library

Elizabeth City State University