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Citation help

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Academic Integrity

Academic integrity, while often conflated with plagiarism and cheating on tests, is the broader idea that students, faculty and staff will be honest in all areas of academic work. Students are responsible for homework, papers, tests and quizes; this includes group work. Most simply, students are expected to turn in their own work for all assignments, but there can be situations where it is unclear what you should do.


If in doubt, ask your professor about their expectations about:

Group Assignments

Learning how to work collaboratively on various types of projects is a valuable skill. Make sure you read the assignment carefully to follow your professor's rules about how work should be divided up and credited for your presentaiton or project.


Peer Editing

Before turning in a paper you may ask a classmte to help you edit. Different professors, departments and schools have different policies regarding peer editing. It is still a good idea to have someone else look over your paper, just make sure you do so honestly.


Sharing Notes or Assignments with Classmates

Sometimes your classmates may miss a class, or find you missed something in your own notes. You may want to share your notes, or ask a friend to see their's but some professors might consider that cheating. If you know you are going to miss a class ahead of time it is a good idea to let the professor know and ask them what they would like you to do about the notes for that session.


Expecations for Open book/note or take-home Tests and Quizes

Some professors allow students to use notes and supplemental information for tests and quizes. Be sure to read the instructions on your syllabus, the exam or from the professor before taking the test to use the appropriate notes, text-books or study guides.


Citation and Style Expectations

This research guide gives an overview of MLA style citation; some professors or departments have special rules that they would like you to follow in additon to the style guide.


G.R. Little Library

Elizabeth City State University