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Art Appreciation Research Guide

This guide is intended to be a starting point for students taking the Art Appreciation course by providing information on how to obtain books/e-books, peer-reviewed articles, images, and other information.

Getting Help with MLA Style and Formatting

Here you will find a list of some of the MLA resources that are available online. 

Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is defined in the Texas A&M University-San Antoinio's Procedure for Academic Dishonesty Cases (April 19, 2010) as:

"Plagiarism - A student can be accused of academic dishonesty if he/she uses the ideas, data or language of another without specific or proper acknowledgment."

These websites below offer ways to better understand plagiarism and how to avoid it:


Turnitin detects possible plagiarism in students' assignments. The program traces wording in its database of scholarly articles, websites, and previous student assignments. Faculty can use Turnitin as a writing tool or as a final piece to any assignment.

Linked below is the student tutorial for Turnitin:


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Elizabeth City State University