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A library guide in support of the sustainability studies and Natural Science department.


Global Organizations

  • Environmental Protection Agency - Founded in 1970, the EPA is a key executive agency of the United States focusing on environmental health issues. Its website offers insights into the agency's history, along with its current policies and regulations.
  • Federal Office of Sustainability - This office spearheads the creation of sustainability policies, programs, and partnerships aimed at enhancing sustainability and climate resilience within Federal operations. Here, you can find policy details and updates on the nation's environmental objectives.
  • The Sierra Club - Renowned for promoting climate solutions, conservation, and movement building, the Sierra Club Foundation engages in strategic philanthropy and grassroots advocacy. As one of the leading environmental organizations in the U.S., it endeavors to combat climate change and advocate for inclusive environmental policies that benefit everyone.
  • United Nations, Sustainable Development - This United Nations portal focuses on sustainable development, offering information on sustainability goals, programs, and events related to these objectives throughout the year, along with data and updates on the progress toward the 17 sustainable development goals.
  • Future Earth -  Identifying itself as a collaborative network of scientists, researchers, and innovators, Future Earth is committed to promoting sustainable practices and technologies globally. It leverages the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals as a guide to support sustainability initiatives and develop tools for achieving these objectives.
  • The Nature Conservancy - A global environmental nonprofit, The Nature Conservancy dedicates itself to conservation efforts that combine science, activism, and partnerships with communities, including indigenous groups, to protect natural environments.

Get the latest news about issues in sustainability:

  • Science Daily provides the latest headlines and information about issues related to sustainability
  • United Nations News is a one-stop, multimedia news portal that takes a global look at a variety of issues, including sustainability and climate change. 

G.R. Little Library

Elizabeth City State University