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Maroons: In the African American Public History

This library guide will focus on the Maroons during the Atlantic slave trade. This will focus on both the Americas & Caribbean maroons and some legends around them.

Cultural Retention and Syncretism

  • Languages: Creation of Creole languages, combining African languages with those of the colonizers.
  • Religious Practices: Syncretism of African spiritual beliefs with Christianity and indigenous practices.
  • Music and Dance: Preservation and evolution of African rhythms, dances, and instruments, contributing significantly to the cultural landscape of the Americas.

Track Listing

Audio Player


Hear when de duppy bawl (Hear the spirit crying out) Group of Maroons of Moore Town 01:49
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Fire da bun Group of Maroons of Moore Town 01:52
Audio Player


Remember rain, John Warren Group of Maroons of Moore Town 01:39
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Moko Johnny Group of Maroons of Moore Town 01:46
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Morning star Group of Maroons of Moore Town 01:43
Audio Player


See dem gyal a molain Group of Maroons of Moore Town 01:42
Audio Player


Me aks me dasha weh him min go Group of Maroons of Moore Town 02:49



G.R. Little Library

Elizabeth City State University