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Voter Registration Resources : Voting in College

Information on how to vote & the voter process

Obtaining Absentee Ballot for your home State

To vote by mail (also known as an absentee ballot), you must request a ballot from the North Carolina State Board of Elections. Any voter in North Carolina can request an absentee ballot/vote by mail for any reason. You can request an absentee ballot online or by printing and mailing a paper form (available in both English and Spanish).  


 Find your polling place  Search engine link.http:// 

Want to do more and represent the campus student body? 

When We All Vote, We're All Represented. Click here for more information.

          2. Become a Student Ambassador for Civic Engagement!

We are looking for Student Ambassadors for Civic Engagement. Each student ambassador will be responsible for organizing and facilitating a plan to register and educate their fellow classmates during the election seasons. Stipends will be paid at the end of each semester. For more information, please contact Dr. Tiffany Hinton at


G.R. Little Library

Elizabeth City State University