Thank you for participating in the G.R. Little Library's print collection selection. Viking Pride!!!
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who can submit requests?
Everyone. Students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to submit new title request for materials including print, media, and ebooks.
Why should I submit requests?
G.R. Little Library would like the input and assistance from all ECSU faculty in selection of new materials for the library's physical and ebook collection. Requests allow the library to provide materials that reflect the needs and interests of ECSU's population. You are the subject expert, and we need your expertise to continuously improve the collection.
What is the collection Development policy?
Here is the current Collection Development Policy:
The policy is currently under revision.
Where can I submit my new title requests?
There are multiple ways to submit title requests.
How many new title requests can I request?
You can submit as many as new title requests as you like. The G.R. Little Library will honor as many requests as possible with the understanding that there may be some limits due to financial restrictions.
What information do I need to provide with my requests?
As much information as possible, including:
Additional information, not necessarily required:
Is there a time limit to request new materials?
No, anyone can request materials throughout the school year.
G.R. Little Library
Elizabeth City State University